Welcome to the Gracefully and Frankly podcast!
May 23, 2024

Gracefully and Frankly Episode 74

Gracefully and Frankly Episode 74

This week Lisa and Erin explore a headlining health story - and why you have to look more closely into the olive oil studies. Some insight into your therapy advice from Ep 73, the main causes of dementia, and emotional fallout among generations to follow, when you pull up stakes. An eye-opener for sure! Listen free thanks to enVypillow.com and SierraSil.com. Your Stories, Our Voices. Gracefully & Frankly.

This week Lisa and Erin explore a headlining health story - and why you have to look more closely into the olive oil studies. Some insight into your therapy advice from Ep 73, the main causes of dementia, and emotional fallout among generations to follow, when you pull up stakes. An eye-opener for sure! Listen free thanks to enVypillow.com and SierraSil.com. Your Stories, Our Voices. Gracefully & Frankly.

Gracefully & Frankly is free, thanks to our wonderful sponsors: enVy Pillow and SierraSil. Both of them have been kind enough to offer 10% off all online purchases when you use the code GF.