It's here, IT'S HERE! (Yes, we're yelling.) Episode 4 of Gracefully & Frankly: the bizarre talk about M&Ms' sexualization, return of Zellers, and the only way WE see that a woman can "have it all." PLUS details on the FIVE @envypillow top-of-the-line silk and copper beauties we're giving away Feb. 14. ENJOY - and thanks SO much for giving us such a huge launch!
It's here, IT'S HERE! (Yes, we're yelling.) Episode 4 of Gracefully & Frankly: the bizarre talk about M&Ms' sexualization, return of Zellers, and the only way WE see that a woman can "have it all." PLUS details on the FIVE @envypillow top-of-the-line silk and copper beauties we're giving away Feb. 14. ENJOY - and thanks SO much for giving us such a huge launch!
Gracefully & Frankly is free, thanks to our wonderful sponsors: enVy Pillow and SierraSil. Both of them have been kind enough to offer 10% off all online purchases when you use the code GF.