Welcome to the Gracefully and Frankly podcast!
Aug. 17, 2023

Gracefully and Frankly Episode 33

Gracefully and Frankly Episode 33

In Episode 33, Lisa confesses to a moment of hilarious blurtation, thanks to a guy with an F-word flag. How this time in summer can be a metaphor for our lives, plus Erin got yelled at (and not in a nice way) by a stranger; did she have it coming? Listen and let us know at our Gracefully and Frankly Facebook Page www.facebook.com/GracefullyandFrankly #flag #shutup #podcast #friends #seniors #CBT #footinmouth #mentalhealth #countingsteps #progressnotperfection #queenagers

In Episode 33, Lisa confesses to a moment of hilarious blurtation, thanks to a guy with an F-word flag. How this time in summer can be a metaphor for our lives, plus Erin got yelled at (and not in a nice way) by a stranger; did she have it coming? Listen and let us know at our Gracefully and Frankly Facebook Page www.facebook.com/GracefullyandFrankly #flag #shutup #podcast #friends #seniors #CBT #footinmouth #mentalhealth #countingsteps #progressnotperfection #queenagers

Gracefully & Frankly is free, thanks to our wonderful sponsors: enVy Pillow and SierraSil. Both of them have been kind enough to offer 10% off all online purchases when you use the code GF.