Welcome to the Gracefully and Frankly podcast!
April 6, 2023

Gracefully and Frankly Episode 14

Gracefully and Frankly Episode 14

Thursday means it's PODCAST release day! Ep. 14 is about, from and for YOU and your online dating experiences (thank you!) plus - stepping into the future, the PITA (pain-in-the-....) about show dogs, and when YOU are the stranger talking to kids. UGH. SO much to hear - enjoy for free, thanks to envypillow.com - and thank you for sharing this!

Thursday means it's PODCAST release day! Ep. 14 is about, from and for YOU and your online dating experiences (thank you!) plus - stepping into the future, the PITA (pain-in-the-....) about show dogs, and when YOU are the stranger talking to kids. UGH. SO much to hear - enjoy for free, thanks to envypillow.com - and thank you for sharing this!

Gracefully & Frankly is free, thanks to our wonderful sponsors: enVy Pillow and SierraSil. Both of them have been kind enough to offer 10% off all online purchases when you use the code GF.